16 March 2011

Is this how Obama plans to Win The Future???

Can someone please remind Obama that the country is bleeding, the Middle East is teetering on the brink, Japan is close to a Melt Down both financially and literally.  The US is in a massive debt crisis with no end in sight.  Japan is begging for money because of the 10 years of stimulus spending that Obama thinks is America's only option.  The courts found Obama Care unconstitutional but he still going through with implementing it.

The republican leadership is turning out to be a joke for thinking that continuing resolutions are the way to cut the budget.  Instead of making a stand and shutting down the Government to bring real "CHANGE" to the country.  NOW IS THE TIME TO PICK A FIGHT!!!  At that rate it would take 230 times to bring down the debt.  There are mass die offs, earthquakes, Donald Trump is thinking about running for President.  Gas is close $4.00 bucks a gallon.

Which the only thing Obama is upset about is that the prices climbed so fast.

Not the fact that it's going to be $5.00 bucks a gallon in a few months, No he upset that it's went up so fast. Obama has NO plans to drill for Oil, Coal or anything else that would make America energy independent.  But lets all breath a sigh of relief because Obama picked his bracket for the NCAA March Madness.  Yes, all will be OK now the world knows who Obama likes in the final four.  This buffoon has checked out to fiddle while America burns.  I'm officially changing Obama's 2012 slogan from WinTheFuture to DetachedFromReality.

Now let me ask you this?  Does Obama seem concerned at all with any of this?  Has Obama shown any leadership at all during any of this?  NO HE HAS NOT!!

Speeches DO NOT COUNT!!  Leadership and action count and Obama has shown none...NONE!  Tell me how I'm wrong?  Show me one thing that Obama has done that benefited the country, one thing?

2012 is coming in more ways than one!

America Prevails

Information Minister

Loyal Opposition


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