Talk about skid marked underwear.
Make no mistake this was a massive failure for home land security. If Obama had a pair (which we know he does not) he would fire Janet by weeks end and replace here with someone with more authority. I would even suggest Colin Powell or some ex high level military person who has the experience to deal with the multi departmental beast that is HLS. It's clear she and Obama have no clue how to handle this. We cannot fight this defensively. We cannot wait until something bad happens then react. We cannot have a review process after the fact then review some more. We have to take the fight too them. We have to make them feel that if they stick their heads out of what ever hole they are hiding in we are going to blow it clean off. Say what you want about Bush but the world and the terrorist knew we were NOT PLAYIN and they better stay in their GD holes.
If you remember there was a TSA leek not too long ago. Where a tremendous amount of data was released regarding ALL of our security protocols when it comes to air travel. Well guess what the terrorist have all this information, and contrary to popular belief these guys are not stupid people. Add that to the Christmas Underwear Bomber in addition, the Yemen government is saying that they know of at least 300 more terrorist waiting to blow up planes. Mix that with a weak and ineffective President, that's right I said weak and ineffective President and an incompetent HLS and God help us.
Just in case your forgot our economy is still on the brink of disaster and one successful attack would cripple the country let alone the world.
The terrorist do NOT care who the President is, they Hate America and all it stands for. And "Let me be clear," the terrorist's do NOT fear Obama. His nice guy routine only makes us weaker.
Maybe he can close Gitmo...again. I thought that was supposed to improve our standing with the terrorist's?
Thanks Obama & Thanks Obama Voter!
Happy New Year
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
30 December 2009
28 December 2009
24 December 2009
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to all our readers. Say a prayer for our troops who will not be with their families for the holidays.
22 December 2009
20 December 2009
Shout Out
This is our way of thanking our only offical follower SSG_E. He aslo has a blog so please check it out.
Eppler Effect
Eppler Effect
17 December 2009
Queen Pelosi
And the Democrats want to talk about Sarah's dress??? Conservatives! Are you out there?
Madame Pelosi wasn't happy with the small jet USAF C-20B, Gulfstream III, that comes with the Speaker's, Madame Pelosi was aggravated that this little jet had to stop to refuel, so she ordered a Big Fat 200-seat USAF C-32, Boeing 757 jet that could get her back to California without stopping!
Many, many legislators walked by and grinned with glee as Joe informed everyone that Nancy 's Big Fat Jet costs us, the hard working American tax payers, thousands of gallons of fuel every week. Since she only works 3 days a week, this gas guzzling jet gets fueled and she flies home to California , cost to the taxpayers of about $60,000, one way! As Joe put it, 'Unfortunately we have to pay to bring her back on Monday night.' Cost to us another $60,000.
Folks, that is $480,000 per month and that is an annual cost to the taxpayers of $5,760,000. No wonder she complains about the cost of this might cramp her style and she is styling, on my back and yours. I think of the military families in this country doing without and this woman, who heads up the most do-nothing Congress in the history of this country keeps fueling that jet while doing nothing.
Madame Pelosi wants you and me to conserve our carbon footprint. She wants us to buy smaller cars and Obama wants us to get a bicycle pump and air up our tires. These people are nuts.
From Shakey Jake
Obama and the Total collapse of the American Economic system, that we need to spend our way out of to fix. Or Health Care is Obama's version of Bush's Mission Accomplished
"May you live in interesting times"
Yes Obama speaks the truth, we are now experiencing the worst economic conditions since the great depression. All thanks to Obama!!!
If further efforts to "save" the economy. Just yesterday the Democratic congress just gave themselves the ability to borrow another $290 billion dollars just to keep things going for another 6 weeks. That's $6.9 billion dollars a day in case your wondering. YES 6.9 BILLION DOLLARS A DAY!!!! The Democrats were really hoping to get $2 Trillion in order to avoid having to go back during the election cycle next year,but they had to settle for a mere $290 billion.
In addition, Obama signed into law a $1.1 TRILLION DOLLAR bill that increases Government budgets 10% across the board. Meanwhile the unemployment in Detroit is now up to 50%. But don't worry Democrat's said this money would help the economy. Also on Wednesday the Democratic congress passed a $155 billion dollar JOBS BILL to be used for 'shovel ready' projects. Why don't we use some of those shovel's to remove all the BS this administration is spreading around.
THAT ALL HAPPENED IN ONE DAY!! ONE DAY!!! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!! Why do some people still think that the democrats are for the little guys. This is outrageous.
Meanwhile in "Hopenhaggen". Hugo Chaves was quoted to thunderous applause saying "Capitalism is the road to hell....let's fight against capitalism and make it obey us." I.e the socialist's.
Just days before Obama flies off to blame the US for Global Warming and hand over a $100 billion dollars of our money to fight a myth.
Now the Health care bill is just votes away from putting the finishing touches on the complete destruction of the country. "Make no mistake" and "Let me be clear" this stopped being about reform a long time ago. Its all about Obama's victory at our expense. NOTHING MORE!!!
This is Obama's version of Bush's Mission Accomplished. "And its not just me" Obama very own Health and Human services dept analysis stated that the saving from the HC bill may be unrealistic and adding millions, I'm sorry mandating millions into a health care plan while cutting cost could lead to cuts in service. Moreover, health care policies could cost between $15K & $20K a year for a family making around $88K a year. But that's just fear mongering. Just so you know Mandates are another word for Taxes.
Now Obama claims that without the passage of the health care bill the country will go bankrupt. "Mission Accomplished." But that's not fear mongering that's the Obama's transformed America you voted for.
The White House also threatened to closed Strategic Air Command in Nebraska if a no vote came in from Senator Ben Nelson. This is the kind of administration that hope and change elects.
To put a fine point on it, no one outside Harry Reid's office has seen the entire bill, just bits and pieces leaked to the press. The rest of the Senate and we the citizens are shut out. 2074 page, 2.5 trillion dollar bill that Reid wants voted on before Christmas and he won't reveal the bill. Rush, rush, rush, but the bill won't kick in until 2014, makes perfect sense.
When your trying to trick an entire country its best to move quickly as you can.
My point is that when more of the bill is revealed the less people want it. The more we know the more the polls drop in their support. Hell even the unions are pulling support. The Democrat's want the bill for Obama not the people.
Here's what we do know;
Will it cover everybody...NO
Will it keep costs down...NO
Will it increase competition...NO
Will taxes go up...YES
Will there be choice...Mandates are not a choice
Will it increase the debt...YES
Will abortion's be covered...maybe maybe not
Will illegal aliens be covered...not yet
Does it cover not sure
Does the country support this....NOT ANYMORE!!
Over and over it is proven that Obama DOES NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ANY OF THIS!!!
Ask yourself is this still good enough to give Obama a win.
To give you another thing to think about. The Washington Post reports:
"In the space of a single fiscal year,2009, the debt soared from 41% of the gross domestic product to 53%. This sum, which does NOT include what the government had borrowed form its own trust funds, is on track to rise to a crushing 85% of the economy by 2018. Getting the debt back down to reasonable level will require (now listen to this) extraordinary, almost unimaginable, fiscal discipline and political cooperation."
This is about a serious as it gets and there is no end in sight.
Remember its all for and all about Obama. And the funny part of this is, you voted for all of this!
Thanks Obama Voter and Thanks Obama.
I just thought you would like to know.
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
Yes Obama speaks the truth, we are now experiencing the worst economic conditions since the great depression. All thanks to Obama!!!
If further efforts to "save" the economy. Just yesterday the Democratic congress just gave themselves the ability to borrow another $290 billion dollars just to keep things going for another 6 weeks. That's $6.9 billion dollars a day in case your wondering. YES 6.9 BILLION DOLLARS A DAY!!!! The Democrats were really hoping to get $2 Trillion in order to avoid having to go back during the election cycle next year,but they had to settle for a mere $290 billion.
In addition, Obama signed into law a $1.1 TRILLION DOLLAR bill that increases Government budgets 10% across the board. Meanwhile the unemployment in Detroit is now up to 50%. But don't worry Democrat's said this money would help the economy. Also on Wednesday the Democratic congress passed a $155 billion dollar JOBS BILL to be used for 'shovel ready' projects. Why don't we use some of those shovel's to remove all the BS this administration is spreading around.
THAT ALL HAPPENED IN ONE DAY!! ONE DAY!!! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!! Why do some people still think that the democrats are for the little guys. This is outrageous.
Meanwhile in "Hopenhaggen". Hugo Chaves was quoted to thunderous applause saying "Capitalism is the road to hell....let's fight against capitalism and make it obey us." I.e the socialist's.
Just days before Obama flies off to blame the US for Global Warming and hand over a $100 billion dollars of our money to fight a myth.
Now the Health care bill is just votes away from putting the finishing touches on the complete destruction of the country. "Make no mistake" and "Let me be clear" this stopped being about reform a long time ago. Its all about Obama's victory at our expense. NOTHING MORE!!!
This is Obama's version of Bush's Mission Accomplished. "And its not just me" Obama very own Health and Human services dept analysis stated that the saving from the HC bill may be unrealistic and adding millions, I'm sorry mandating millions into a health care plan while cutting cost could lead to cuts in service. Moreover, health care policies could cost between $15K & $20K a year for a family making around $88K a year. But that's just fear mongering. Just so you know Mandates are another word for Taxes.
Now Obama claims that without the passage of the health care bill the country will go bankrupt. "Mission Accomplished." But that's not fear mongering that's the Obama's transformed America you voted for.
The White House also threatened to closed Strategic Air Command in Nebraska if a no vote came in from Senator Ben Nelson. This is the kind of administration that hope and change elects.
To put a fine point on it, no one outside Harry Reid's office has seen the entire bill, just bits and pieces leaked to the press. The rest of the Senate and we the citizens are shut out. 2074 page, 2.5 trillion dollar bill that Reid wants voted on before Christmas and he won't reveal the bill. Rush, rush, rush, but the bill won't kick in until 2014, makes perfect sense.
When your trying to trick an entire country its best to move quickly as you can.
My point is that when more of the bill is revealed the less people want it. The more we know the more the polls drop in their support. Hell even the unions are pulling support. The Democrat's want the bill for Obama not the people.
Here's what we do know;
Will it cover everybody...NO
Will it keep costs down...NO
Will it increase competition...NO
Will taxes go up...YES
Will there be choice...Mandates are not a choice
Will it increase the debt...YES
Will abortion's be covered...maybe maybe not
Will illegal aliens be covered...not yet
Does it cover not sure
Does the country support this....NOT ANYMORE!!
Over and over it is proven that Obama DOES NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ANY OF THIS!!!
Ask yourself is this still good enough to give Obama a win.
To give you another thing to think about. The Washington Post reports:
"In the space of a single fiscal year,2009, the debt soared from 41% of the gross domestic product to 53%. This sum, which does NOT include what the government had borrowed form its own trust funds, is on track to rise to a crushing 85% of the economy by 2018. Getting the debt back down to reasonable level will require (now listen to this) extraordinary, almost unimaginable, fiscal discipline and political cooperation."
This is about a serious as it gets and there is no end in sight.
Remember its all for and all about Obama. And the funny part of this is, you voted for all of this!
Thanks Obama Voter and Thanks Obama.
I just thought you would like to know.
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
15 December 2009
14 December 2009
10 December 2009
07 December 2009
Political Cartoons Part 1
My friend Shakey Jake sent me 29 great political cartoons. I will post a few at a time over the next week or so.
Atlas Shrugged
Loyal Opposition should be happy to know that according to Terry Savage, a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times, says, in todays column, that almost 400,000 people ordered Atlas Shrugged in 2009. Not bad for a book published 50 years ago. She highly recommends this great book. So if you looking for a holiday gift look no further.
No Label
04 December 2009
Obama and the Jobs summit and the Democratic/Liberal/Socialist/Statest logic of saving the Economy
Let's understand the Democratic/Liberal/Socialist mind set shall we in relation to Obama's job creation plans and Job summit.
Let's review.
First there was the must needed don't read it just vote, close to a trillion dollar Stimulis bill. Passed because it was going to "Stimulate" job growth with shovel ready projects among countless other programs. All for jobs right now, not later, right now! With the brilliant oversight of Crazy Uncle Joe thrown in for good measure. What could possibly go wrong with him looking over things?
Then there was the Cap & Trade energy bill passed. Another multibillion dollar unread but quickly passed bill. That we needed passed right now, not later, right now! Quoting Nancy "ping pong ball eyes" Pelosi, the passage of this bill means one thing and one thing only, "JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!!
Then the Health Care Bill passed the house with the new AXIS of evil promising that we need this passed right now, not later, right now to help save the economy and create Jobs.
Remember Obama with the "The time for debate is over" line? I do.
Yet again another multibillion if not trillion dollar bill passed with little or no real debate, that nobody read. The only bright spot is that it only passed by 5 votes. Which is another version of a Democratic landslide victory by the way.
Notice after each passage of these job saving or creating bills unemployment grew to a actual percentage of around the 18% we currently are experiencing today.
Two things.
First; if you still think this is Bush's fault your crazy. Second; if your not noticing a pattern of agenda based governing of massive spending, "HOPE HUGS" intent speeches with no results and pure statism or socialism your even more crazy then I thought.
Now comes the Jobs summit. Quote Obama " We cannot hang back and "hope" for the best" furthermore "What I'm interested in is taking action RIGHT NOW to help businesses create jobs--right now, in the near term." That's right he said we need to take action RIGHT F'n NOW!!!
The jobs summit question of the day from the White House is "How do we get businesses to start hiring again?"
Crazy Uncle job chimed in with this nugget of joy stating that the $787 billion stimulis was a good start however, Joe then paraphrased Reagan for a quick pick me up to get things started, Joe related a downturn is when a stranger is out of work a recession is when a relative is out of work and a full-blown depression is when your out of work. "And it is a depression" for the nation's more then 10million unemployed.
I'm not making this stuff up Comrades they really said this.
Here the kicker Obama went on to say "what's holding back business investment and how can we increase confidence and spur hiring? And get this "And if there are things that were doing here in Washington that are inhibiting you, then we want to know about it." You have got to be kidding me??
But then finishing that the Government can only do so much and the real growth MUST come from the private sector. This form the very same person who made it his mission to destroy the private sector from his day one. Oh I'm sorry, first he closed Gitmo then he destroyed the private sector, in addition, he destroyed any faith the public had in the private sector.
Now he's telling them, hey its up to you to fix it. Brilliant, the mans just brilliant.
What about all the other agenda bases Ideas in the forms of the bills stated above that did nothing to create jobs? What about those bills?
Sorry about all the quotes but this stuff is too good to be made up.
Then Obama claims "The recession was made worse because of fewer TAX receipts and more demands made of the government for things like unemployment insurance."
Therein lies the Democratic/liberal/socialist/statest mind set. If the Government could tax its citizens more everything would be just fine. In addition, their solution to fixing problems is create another or new Government program. Instead of cleaning up the mess they made.
"Transforming" we citizens into we dependence. But maybe that's the plan.
Mark my words Obama will dove tale into another stimulus package. He has already hinted something along the lines of a cash for clunkers only for the housing market. "Cash for Caulker" or some BS like that. Which means Obama will now use the energy efficiency or green industries argument to save the economy. Another agenda based idea he will use to get "Cap & Trade" passed in the Senate.
If we only can pass this (insert issue Obama needs passed) we can save the economy.
What a load of crap!
Which given the pattern of the all to clear Obama method of constantly campaigning. He is now out again on a road show "listening tour" town hall, "HOPE HUG" tour. Leading to another landmark, historic, unprecedented speech guess it jobs.
Let's all have a drinking game during his speech. Everything he says "Let me be clear" we all take a shot.
Please pay attention to this....
All of these bills, all of this agenda bases governing does everything BUT put our money back into our hands.
Or to put a finer point on it, he's doing everything but letting us keep more of our money in our own pockets.
Cash for clunkers does not count. The rebates were our tax dollars being REDISTRIBUTED to the masses.
I am fed up with this crap, and you my fellow freedom fighters should be fed up as well!! We need to vote these jokers out in the next elections. I have taken my stand, drawn my line in the sand, what ever you want to call it. We must stand united against this tyranny that's right I said tyranny.
And to the Obama voters out there.
How can you keep drinking the Koolaid? How can you keep believing this crap? Oh but just imagine how bad this would have been if Obama did nothing? To you I say name one thing Obama has done that made as great a impact as he claimed it would, name one. You can't!
You have to admit this is out of control. Ask yourself would you have let Bush get away with any of this?? Ask yourself if Bush was in office right now would you not do everything in your power to see that he and his party are voted out of office?? We all know the answer would be yes.
So why are you letting Obama get away with it now.
Oh I remember, "HOPE and Change."
America prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
Let's understand the Democratic/Liberal/Socialist mind set shall we in relation to Obama's job creation plans and Job summit.
Let's review.
First there was the must needed don't read it just vote, close to a trillion dollar Stimulis bill. Passed because it was going to "Stimulate" job growth with shovel ready projects among countless other programs. All for jobs right now, not later, right now! With the brilliant oversight of Crazy Uncle Joe thrown in for good measure. What could possibly go wrong with him looking over things?
Then there was the Cap & Trade energy bill passed. Another multibillion dollar unread but quickly passed bill. That we needed passed right now, not later, right now! Quoting Nancy "ping pong ball eyes" Pelosi, the passage of this bill means one thing and one thing only, "JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!!
Then the Health Care Bill passed the house with the new AXIS of evil promising that we need this passed right now, not later, right now to help save the economy and create Jobs.
Remember Obama with the "The time for debate is over" line? I do.
Yet again another multibillion if not trillion dollar bill passed with little or no real debate, that nobody read. The only bright spot is that it only passed by 5 votes. Which is another version of a Democratic landslide victory by the way.
Notice after each passage of these job saving or creating bills unemployment grew to a actual percentage of around the 18% we currently are experiencing today.
Two things.
First; if you still think this is Bush's fault your crazy. Second; if your not noticing a pattern of agenda based governing of massive spending, "HOPE HUGS" intent speeches with no results and pure statism or socialism your even more crazy then I thought.
Now comes the Jobs summit. Quote Obama " We cannot hang back and "hope" for the best" furthermore "What I'm interested in is taking action RIGHT NOW to help businesses create jobs--right now, in the near term." That's right he said we need to take action RIGHT F'n NOW!!!
The jobs summit question of the day from the White House is "How do we get businesses to start hiring again?"
Crazy Uncle job chimed in with this nugget of joy stating that the $787 billion stimulis was a good start however, Joe then paraphrased Reagan for a quick pick me up to get things started, Joe related a downturn is when a stranger is out of work a recession is when a relative is out of work and a full-blown depression is when your out of work. "And it is a depression" for the nation's more then 10million unemployed.
I'm not making this stuff up Comrades they really said this.
Here the kicker Obama went on to say "what's holding back business investment and how can we increase confidence and spur hiring? And get this "And if there are things that were doing here in Washington that are inhibiting you, then we want to know about it." You have got to be kidding me??
But then finishing that the Government can only do so much and the real growth MUST come from the private sector. This form the very same person who made it his mission to destroy the private sector from his day one. Oh I'm sorry, first he closed Gitmo then he destroyed the private sector, in addition, he destroyed any faith the public had in the private sector.
Now he's telling them, hey its up to you to fix it. Brilliant, the mans just brilliant.
What about all the other agenda bases Ideas in the forms of the bills stated above that did nothing to create jobs? What about those bills?
Sorry about all the quotes but this stuff is too good to be made up.
Then Obama claims "The recession was made worse because of fewer TAX receipts and more demands made of the government for things like unemployment insurance."
Therein lies the Democratic/liberal/socialist/statest mind set. If the Government could tax its citizens more everything would be just fine. In addition, their solution to fixing problems is create another or new Government program. Instead of cleaning up the mess they made.
"Transforming" we citizens into we dependence. But maybe that's the plan.
Mark my words Obama will dove tale into another stimulus package. He has already hinted something along the lines of a cash for clunkers only for the housing market. "Cash for Caulker" or some BS like that. Which means Obama will now use the energy efficiency or green industries argument to save the economy. Another agenda based idea he will use to get "Cap & Trade" passed in the Senate.
If we only can pass this (insert issue Obama needs passed) we can save the economy.
What a load of crap!
Which given the pattern of the all to clear Obama method of constantly campaigning. He is now out again on a road show "listening tour" town hall, "HOPE HUG" tour. Leading to another landmark, historic, unprecedented speech guess it jobs.
Let's all have a drinking game during his speech. Everything he says "Let me be clear" we all take a shot.
Please pay attention to this....
All of these bills, all of this agenda bases governing does everything BUT put our money back into our hands.
Or to put a finer point on it, he's doing everything but letting us keep more of our money in our own pockets.
Cash for clunkers does not count. The rebates were our tax dollars being REDISTRIBUTED to the masses.
I am fed up with this crap, and you my fellow freedom fighters should be fed up as well!! We need to vote these jokers out in the next elections. I have taken my stand, drawn my line in the sand, what ever you want to call it. We must stand united against this tyranny that's right I said tyranny.
And to the Obama voters out there.
How can you keep drinking the Koolaid? How can you keep believing this crap? Oh but just imagine how bad this would have been if Obama did nothing? To you I say name one thing Obama has done that made as great a impact as he claimed it would, name one. You can't!
You have to admit this is out of control. Ask yourself would you have let Bush get away with any of this?? Ask yourself if Bush was in office right now would you not do everything in your power to see that he and his party are voted out of office?? We all know the answer would be yes.
So why are you letting Obama get away with it now.
Oh I remember, "HOPE and Change."
America prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
03 December 2009
Alcida and Taliban your reservations for Afghanistan have been bumped back to 2013
Hello....yes...this is Alcida and the Taliban....I would like to make a reservation for Afghanistan....yes I can hold....oh you say Obama has it booked until 2012...ok then please make my reservation for late 2012 or 2013, which ever works...yes we can wait that really we can wait...we have nothing but really we don't have to worry about elections so waiting a few years won't be a problem...thanks and see you then.
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
30 November 2009
Asshat of the week
To the Asshat who killed the officers in Washington State, I hope you die a slow painful death.
Our prayers go out the the family, friends and fellow officers of the fallen.
America Prevails
(asshat term and picture from
Our prayers go out the the family, friends and fellow officers of the fallen.
America Prevails
(asshat term and picture from
26 November 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to all our readers.
We will taking suggestions for bonehead of the week. Leave a comment or e-mail us. I know Obama fits the bill most of the time but, we need to spread the wealth. So please send us who and why. We will find a picture to use unless you have a good one.
We will taking suggestions for bonehead of the week. Leave a comment or e-mail us. I know Obama fits the bill most of the time but, we need to spread the wealth. So please send us who and why. We will find a picture to use unless you have a good one.
No Label
25 November 2009
23 November 2009
Even SNL is ramming the Overlords lack of action
The mainstream media points out all the Palin gags and is not pointing this out. Why is that??? It seems to me that they got it right. Is CNN going to fact check this bit?
20 November 2009
19 November 2009
Senator Graham Questions Comrade Citizen Attorney General Eric Holder regarding KSM New York terror trails
This video speaks for itself on why moving the terror trails to NY was a Obama agenda based decision.
Notice how Holder although so decisive in moving this to NY has no clue what to do next.
Too many um's and depends for another one of Team Obama's best and brightest.
Also, notice Holder's comments on what he would do if we ever caught Bin Laden.
Closing with a failed attempt to misdirect the issue to the closing of Gitmo by Patrick Leahy
God help us if these guys walk because of Obama's radical agenda.
Just checking has anyone check the Dooms day clock lately?
Notice how Holder although so decisive in moving this to NY has no clue what to do next.
Too many um's and depends for another one of Team Obama's best and brightest.
Also, notice Holder's comments on what he would do if we ever caught Bin Laden.
Closing with a failed attempt to misdirect the issue to the closing of Gitmo by Patrick Leahy
God help us if these guys walk because of Obama's radical agenda.
Just checking has anyone check the Dooms day clock lately?
18 November 2009
Comments on The Cost of Obama care, bogus Job creation, Stimulus 3.0, terror trails in New York and yes Sarah Palin
Buckle up, because I'm pissed off!!
I find it interesting that the chief argument for left in regards to health care is that every person should be covered and everything should be covered. Sounds fair right? Until it come to who is going to pay for it? Fairness goes right out the window at that point. Then it's just the wealthy's citizens burden to come up with the money.
So again in Obama vision of America its all in and nobody out except when it comes to who gets to pay for it.
A fine example of HOPE & CHANGE.
Obama did work hard on one thing in the last 11 months. He did manage to make all success and wealth evil in the only country ever founded in the history of man to foster these very same things. No president that I can remember did more to retard innovation and growth of the individual then Obama.
In a prequel to Government run health care we find out that the numbers of jobs created or saved is completely bogus. With mythical congressional districts, creating mythical jobs. Oversaw by a mythical Vice President crazy Uncle Joe. Problem is our very real money went somewhere. In addition, a team of "experts" (we know how Obama loves teams of experts) released a government study telling women not to get screened for breast cancer until age 50. Sounds like rationing care to me. Every woman should be outraged over this. Look around you if you know a woman you know somebody touched by this cancer in one way or another. Here is a perfect example of how government interference in health care will result in the death of its citizens. Who needs death panels when your not able to get screened until its too late anyway?
This is leading to "NEW democratic" idea another stimulus, but in effort to get it passed Obama is going to call it a "jobs bill." So ALL the other bills that were forced down our throats and rushed through that nobody read in order to create jobs meant nothing, my God this has never been tried before why didn't Obama think of this before? Who is still believing this crap!?!? I know...I know give him more time.
Let me underscore this with a quote from a article on the CBS NEWS blogs written by Mark Knoller he sited the WHITE HOUSE budget review paper issued in August that "By the end of the current fiscal year on Sept 30th the National Debt could top $14 trillion" the same document also projects and this is the truly frightening part "by the end of the next decade, the National Debt will hit $24.5 trillion dollars--exceeding the. Gross Domestic Product projected for 2019 of $22.8 trillion dollars.
This outrageous! Time and time again Obama has called for us to sacrifice! Obama tells us we the citizens need to do without! Obama cautions us against the excess of the past. But what does he do? Obama just increases the National Debt level to accommodate MORE spending. How does this even make sense anymore??
Fun fact: if the currency tanks so goes, health care, cap & trade, green industries, all the BS agenda crap the team Obama is pushing. Including the greatest county known to history all for the sake of transformationing America.
Oh I know, this is Obama's new vision of America that he kept talking about. Got it.
Thanks Obama voters!!!
As for the terror trials in New York.
In another effort to get people to like him Obama is trading national security for a public relations ploy.
If we have a trail here in open court we can prove to the terrorists that America is really a nice place to visit and to not blow up and kill all of its citizens regardless of political party.
I know this may shock the Koolaid drinkers (Berry Flavor) but the terrorist want to kill Democrats and Independences, not just Republicans.
I'm not worried about security during the trail. I'm really worried if for some reason these killers are released on some technicality, and they walk out free men, I truly fear the consequences for the country.
Now Sarah Palin, yes Sarah Palin.
Now I'm not the biggest fan of Palin however, I'm baffled by the pin point focus the left has of her. She is touted as the dumbest, most irrelevant person according to the left. But why is she mentioned in every breath by them. Its Sarah Palin thinks this and Sarah Palin said that. She was officially a VP candidate for what 3 months? Unemployment is almost 12% yet there are teams of reporters fact checking her book and nobody looking into the stimulus spending? What's wrong here? Go fact check Obama's books or how about Gore's for that matter.
One things for sure for some reason Sarah Palin scares the shit out of the Democratic's.
But I'm the hater here, I'm the bad guy for pointing this out, right? NO! I'm just an American who is sick and tired of this systematic dismantling of everything this country stands for. Our traditions and values mean nothing to Obama. Remember Obama looks down on the "Old" way of thinking.
People need to wake up, before its too late.
Thanks Obama & Thanks to the Obama voter.
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
Buckle up, because I'm pissed off!!
I find it interesting that the chief argument for left in regards to health care is that every person should be covered and everything should be covered. Sounds fair right? Until it come to who is going to pay for it? Fairness goes right out the window at that point. Then it's just the wealthy's citizens burden to come up with the money.
So again in Obama vision of America its all in and nobody out except when it comes to who gets to pay for it.
A fine example of HOPE & CHANGE.
Obama did work hard on one thing in the last 11 months. He did manage to make all success and wealth evil in the only country ever founded in the history of man to foster these very same things. No president that I can remember did more to retard innovation and growth of the individual then Obama.
In a prequel to Government run health care we find out that the numbers of jobs created or saved is completely bogus. With mythical congressional districts, creating mythical jobs. Oversaw by a mythical Vice President crazy Uncle Joe. Problem is our very real money went somewhere. In addition, a team of "experts" (we know how Obama loves teams of experts) released a government study telling women not to get screened for breast cancer until age 50. Sounds like rationing care to me. Every woman should be outraged over this. Look around you if you know a woman you know somebody touched by this cancer in one way or another. Here is a perfect example of how government interference in health care will result in the death of its citizens. Who needs death panels when your not able to get screened until its too late anyway?
This is leading to "NEW democratic" idea another stimulus, but in effort to get it passed Obama is going to call it a "jobs bill." So ALL the other bills that were forced down our throats and rushed through that nobody read in order to create jobs meant nothing, my God this has never been tried before why didn't Obama think of this before? Who is still believing this crap!?!? I know...I know give him more time.
Let me underscore this with a quote from a article on the CBS NEWS blogs written by Mark Knoller he sited the WHITE HOUSE budget review paper issued in August that "By the end of the current fiscal year on Sept 30th the National Debt could top $14 trillion" the same document also projects and this is the truly frightening part "by the end of the next decade, the National Debt will hit $24.5 trillion dollars--exceeding the. Gross Domestic Product projected for 2019 of $22.8 trillion dollars.
This outrageous! Time and time again Obama has called for us to sacrifice! Obama tells us we the citizens need to do without! Obama cautions us against the excess of the past. But what does he do? Obama just increases the National Debt level to accommodate MORE spending. How does this even make sense anymore??
Fun fact: if the currency tanks so goes, health care, cap & trade, green industries, all the BS agenda crap the team Obama is pushing. Including the greatest county known to history all for the sake of transformationing America.
Oh I know, this is Obama's new vision of America that he kept talking about. Got it.
Thanks Obama voters!!!
As for the terror trials in New York.
In another effort to get people to like him Obama is trading national security for a public relations ploy.
If we have a trail here in open court we can prove to the terrorists that America is really a nice place to visit and to not blow up and kill all of its citizens regardless of political party.
I know this may shock the Koolaid drinkers (Berry Flavor) but the terrorist want to kill Democrats and Independences, not just Republicans.
I'm not worried about security during the trail. I'm really worried if for some reason these killers are released on some technicality, and they walk out free men, I truly fear the consequences for the country.
Now Sarah Palin, yes Sarah Palin.
Now I'm not the biggest fan of Palin however, I'm baffled by the pin point focus the left has of her. She is touted as the dumbest, most irrelevant person according to the left. But why is she mentioned in every breath by them. Its Sarah Palin thinks this and Sarah Palin said that. She was officially a VP candidate for what 3 months? Unemployment is almost 12% yet there are teams of reporters fact checking her book and nobody looking into the stimulus spending? What's wrong here? Go fact check Obama's books or how about Gore's for that matter.
One things for sure for some reason Sarah Palin scares the shit out of the Democratic's.
But I'm the hater here, I'm the bad guy for pointing this out, right? NO! I'm just an American who is sick and tired of this systematic dismantling of everything this country stands for. Our traditions and values mean nothing to Obama. Remember Obama looks down on the "Old" way of thinking.
People need to wake up, before its too late.
Thanks Obama & Thanks to the Obama voter.
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
How many WTFs can we get out of our overlord?
I don't even know what to say. This man has NO RESPECT for our country
Check out this latest picture from YESTERDAY, Veterans Day 11/11/09 at the Ceremony in Arlington National Cemetery . I don't know whether the National Anthem is being played, or the Flag is going by, or WHAT, but EVERYBODY in the picture is either saluting or has his hand over the HEART.
Check out this latest picture from YESTERDAY, Veterans Day 11/11/09 at the Ceremony in Arlington National Cemetery . I don't know whether the National Anthem is being played, or the Flag is going by, or WHAT, but EVERYBODY in the picture is either saluting or has his hand over the HEART.
On a brighter note
For your information the total public debt outstanding as of 16 Nov 2009 is
according to
OUR KIDS ARE SCREWED. Could someone tell me if 12.9 trillion is the current legal limit to the national debt?
according to
OUR KIDS ARE SCREWED. Could someone tell me if 12.9 trillion is the current legal limit to the national debt?
No Label
Are we just so on the money we get no comments?
Other than our follower SSG_E no one else seems to comment. Is our insight so good no one can give a rebuttal. One would think that there must be someone out there who opposes us. Or someone to say Amen we are with you my brother. I know is not a busy site, about 7 visitors a day. I would just like to know why there are so few comments?
Like us.....Hate us.... please comment. Start the debate.
Thanks SSG_E
Like us.....Hate us.... please comment. Start the debate.
Thanks SSG_E
16 November 2009
Obama and how low can you go.
"Let me be clear," its not the fact that he bowed. I get the whole cultural thing, trust me I have first hand knowledge on this subject, It's about how low he bowed. The lower the bow the lower the status. In other words, the depth of Obama's bow showed the he is inferior to the Japanese emperor.
You cannot spin it any other way.
And for the record that's twice.
First with the Saudi's now with Japan.
So don't pull that isolated incident crap either it won't work.
What about the queen of England our longest standing ally? Well she got a Ipod with a best of Obama's speeches and some DVD's that didn't work.
How's that for respecting cultural differences.
One again this is another glowing example of Obama's vision of America.
Thanks Obama voters!!
Thanks a lot!
America prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
You cannot spin it any other way.
And for the record that's twice.
First with the Saudi's now with Japan.
So don't pull that isolated incident crap either it won't work.
What about the queen of England our longest standing ally? Well she got a Ipod with a best of Obama's speeches and some DVD's that didn't work.
How's that for respecting cultural differences.
One again this is another glowing example of Obama's vision of America.
Thanks Obama voters!!
Thanks a lot!
America prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
President Obama vs. The Rest of the World Greeting The Emperor of Japan
What is with our president? Does he believe he is of lower stature than other leaders?
Dick Cheney
Prim Minister Ehud Olmert
King of Morocco
President Kazakhstan
President of South Korea
Prime Minister of India
Prime Minister of Slovenia
Vladimir Putin
Our over-lord
15 November 2009
13 November 2009
Obama sets new level of Foreign policy inaction and HOPE HUGS with no results Job summits
Yes Comrades,
In another brilliant move proving Obama's genius, he has decided to yet again put off his decision on what to do in Afghanistan. He scraped every option submitted to him by the very generals he put into place because they were the smartest best qualified for the job. Could this delay have something to do with his trip to Asia and the big election loses in Virginia and New Jersey? Let's see were going to have to beg another trillion dollars from China next year. Japan is under new management and wants to pull back its support in Afghanistan. Japan is also realizing that it needs to strengthen its position in the region because of a weakening US. Yes, this is because of Obama not Bush.
Now moving to the home front. Obama dazzled the country with his announcement that he will hold a JOB summit in December. Yes after doing NOTHING in the last 11 months to really stimulate true stable job growth, not just make work BS, and given the fact that the democrats lost in both Virginia and New Jersey. Obama wants to bring another team of so called "experts" that he will in the end not listen too, to talk about job loss and job creation. WOW mighty mouse to the rescue, "Here he comes to save the day." Obama has now moved from "HOPE HUG" speeches with no results to "HOPE HUG" summits with no results. MY GOD THE MANS A GENIUS. Here a bright idea CUT TAXES across the board for individuals and business's.
So far Obama and the democrats are pushing agenda over the economy and the public is taking notice. Prove me can't. The proof is in the policy.
Spend and tax...spend a tax. Bill after bill after bill all claiming the need for passage will create job. All passed yet unemployment grows and grows and grows. "Let me be clear" the current situation can no longer be blamed on Bush. This simply does not apply anymore, sorry.
Now they're telling us the recession is over, REALLY?
Recession is over? So if the recession is over I guess this is what Obama's NEW vision of America is.
Massive debt, out of control spending, countless programs and needless stimulus packages and a steady unemployment rate around 10+%. This must be all that Change he was talking about.
Or is this what he meant when he was talking about transforming America? Then we read that the Health Care bill Nancy "Pingpong balls eyes" Pelosi pushed through will fine and imprison citizens who do not carry "adequate" insurance coverage. Who judges what or how much adequate insurance is?? Oh I know the GOVERNMENT decides!!! But nooooo its not Government run, Right!?!?
We are in a dire situation and without job creation and tax relief which go hand in hand there will be no growth. But remember team Obama is supposed to be the best and brightest. If these clown were so brilliant why do they need to have the job summit with these so called experts?? Makes you think doesn't it.
So in sum it's hurry up when Obama wants something passed and take your time and delay, delay, delay or hold a photo op summit when you really have no clue what to do.
Yes Comrades it's Change you can believe in.
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
In another brilliant move proving Obama's genius, he has decided to yet again put off his decision on what to do in Afghanistan. He scraped every option submitted to him by the very generals he put into place because they were the smartest best qualified for the job. Could this delay have something to do with his trip to Asia and the big election loses in Virginia and New Jersey? Let's see were going to have to beg another trillion dollars from China next year. Japan is under new management and wants to pull back its support in Afghanistan. Japan is also realizing that it needs to strengthen its position in the region because of a weakening US. Yes, this is because of Obama not Bush.
Now moving to the home front. Obama dazzled the country with his announcement that he will hold a JOB summit in December. Yes after doing NOTHING in the last 11 months to really stimulate true stable job growth, not just make work BS, and given the fact that the democrats lost in both Virginia and New Jersey. Obama wants to bring another team of so called "experts" that he will in the end not listen too, to talk about job loss and job creation. WOW mighty mouse to the rescue, "Here he comes to save the day." Obama has now moved from "HOPE HUG" speeches with no results to "HOPE HUG" summits with no results. MY GOD THE MANS A GENIUS. Here a bright idea CUT TAXES across the board for individuals and business's.
So far Obama and the democrats are pushing agenda over the economy and the public is taking notice. Prove me can't. The proof is in the policy.
Spend and tax...spend a tax. Bill after bill after bill all claiming the need for passage will create job. All passed yet unemployment grows and grows and grows. "Let me be clear" the current situation can no longer be blamed on Bush. This simply does not apply anymore, sorry.
Now they're telling us the recession is over, REALLY?
Recession is over? So if the recession is over I guess this is what Obama's NEW vision of America is.
Massive debt, out of control spending, countless programs and needless stimulus packages and a steady unemployment rate around 10+%. This must be all that Change he was talking about.
Or is this what he meant when he was talking about transforming America? Then we read that the Health Care bill Nancy "Pingpong balls eyes" Pelosi pushed through will fine and imprison citizens who do not carry "adequate" insurance coverage. Who judges what or how much adequate insurance is?? Oh I know the GOVERNMENT decides!!! But nooooo its not Government run, Right!?!?
We are in a dire situation and without job creation and tax relief which go hand in hand there will be no growth. But remember team Obama is supposed to be the best and brightest. If these clown were so brilliant why do they need to have the job summit with these so called experts?? Makes you think doesn't it.
So in sum it's hurry up when Obama wants something passed and take your time and delay, delay, delay or hold a photo op summit when you really have no clue what to do.
Yes Comrades it's Change you can believe in.
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
06 November 2009
Remember, Remember the 5th of November

This past week was no exception. Our right to vote is way more powerful than gunpowder. We need to continue to remind the politicians who they work for. If we don't like the work they do, they will be replaced. It's time to end the time of being an elected official for life. We need to set term limits of our choosing. We can stop anything the Overlord dishes out by letting our congressmen and senators know that they are done if they keep pushing these Marxist policies.
The moral of this story is to VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!!
On a sadder note..... our prayers go out to the victims and the families of the victims at Fort Hood
America Pervails
Nadmenny Millicent
04 November 2009
I'm I supposed to believe Obama put his fingers in his ears for 20 years
Rev. Wright was Obama's spiritual leader for 20 years. After watching this tell me what's the difference between the Rev. and our Overlord. THE ANSWER IS NOTHING!!!
Nancy Pelosi and the raising cost of Health Care
Remember just last week Nancy trotted out the House version of the Democratic Health Care reform bill. With her ping-pong ball eyes because her skin is pulled so tight telling us the cost is a mere $894 billion dollars.
Well in less then one week this pile of crap grew to $1.2 trillion dollars!!
That's over a 30% increase in 3 days.
Why do the Obama supporters keep buying this crap!!
This Bill was presented last week, voted on this week, maybe Saturday. Perhaps only allowing hours of debate on the floor. For something they voted themselves exempt from that won't kick in until 2013. Makes perfect sense under Obama. Make it evil, claim it will save money and create jobs, ram it through, move onto cap and trade. Saving card check for next year or 2012 when Obama needs union support to win elections.
They may say I only voted for Obama for this reason or that. "Hope & Change," remember? I have been stating at great length you must look at the whole picture of what your vote really means. Well this is what it really means. Obama is a radical Marxist, there I said it and I will say it again he is a Marxist, and the ramifications of this Bill will be felt for the next 30 years at least. Oh, Information Minister your just a hater. You need to support your President...NO I DON'T! Not only do I not support this agenda, I totally reject it and you should too.
Does health care need reform...yes. Is health care a right as granted by the creator...NO! No where in the Constitution does it state that it's citizens are required to buy a product and yes health care is a product not a right. Do not use the "promote the general welfare" argument either. It does not hold up when you are asking your citizens to buy or carry a product. What if the next President wants you to buy a certain car for the good of all citizens, what then?
A vote for Obama was a vote for the entire party and its agenda. You cannot separate the two. Because at the end of the day we will all be impacted by this administration in one way or another. Remember that.
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
Remember just last week Nancy trotted out the House version of the Democratic Health Care reform bill. With her ping-pong ball eyes because her skin is pulled so tight telling us the cost is a mere $894 billion dollars.
Well in less then one week this pile of crap grew to $1.2 trillion dollars!!
That's over a 30% increase in 3 days.
Why do the Obama supporters keep buying this crap!!
This Bill was presented last week, voted on this week, maybe Saturday. Perhaps only allowing hours of debate on the floor. For something they voted themselves exempt from that won't kick in until 2013. Makes perfect sense under Obama. Make it evil, claim it will save money and create jobs, ram it through, move onto cap and trade. Saving card check for next year or 2012 when Obama needs union support to win elections.
They may say I only voted for Obama for this reason or that. "Hope & Change," remember? I have been stating at great length you must look at the whole picture of what your vote really means. Well this is what it really means. Obama is a radical Marxist, there I said it and I will say it again he is a Marxist, and the ramifications of this Bill will be felt for the next 30 years at least. Oh, Information Minister your just a hater. You need to support your President...NO I DON'T! Not only do I not support this agenda, I totally reject it and you should too.
Does health care need reform...yes. Is health care a right as granted by the creator...NO! No where in the Constitution does it state that it's citizens are required to buy a product and yes health care is a product not a right. Do not use the "promote the general welfare" argument either. It does not hold up when you are asking your citizens to buy or carry a product. What if the next President wants you to buy a certain car for the good of all citizens, what then?
A vote for Obama was a vote for the entire party and its agenda. You cannot separate the two. Because at the end of the day we will all be impacted by this administration in one way or another. Remember that.
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
GOP sweep: Big governor victories in Virginia, NJ
The Information Minister would like to thank our fellow freedom fighters in Virginia and New Jersey for getting out the Vote last night.
You stood up to the Juggernaut that is team Obama and soundly defeated him.
Let this be a rallying cry for the country. We must remain strong however, this war is far from over.
We must do our best to defeat Nancy Pelosi and her health care bill. We must also keep our eye on the 2010 elections.
But today, give yourself a pat on the back you have earned it.
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
You stood up to the Juggernaut that is team Obama and soundly defeated him.
Let this be a rallying cry for the country. We must remain strong however, this war is far from over.
We must do our best to defeat Nancy Pelosi and her health care bill. We must also keep our eye on the 2010 elections.
But today, give yourself a pat on the back you have earned it.
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
29 October 2009
Nancy Pelosi announces Health Care Bill. The Information Minister states the obvious
Here is something to think about as your contemplating your support of Nancy Pelosi in her push to get another 2000 page steaming pile of crap that nobody will read passed.
If a private company just announced that they were going to spend a trillion dollars of shareholders money over the next ten years. Team Overlord would be calling for blood.
But when Obama tells you he's going to spend a trillion dollars of your money if the form of taxes he's praised for his fiscal responsibility.
Something's wrong with this picture?
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
Here is something to think about as your contemplating your support of Nancy Pelosi in her push to get another 2000 page steaming pile of crap that nobody will read passed.
If a private company just announced that they were going to spend a trillion dollars of shareholders money over the next ten years. Team Overlord would be calling for blood.
But when Obama tells you he's going to spend a trillion dollars of your money if the form of taxes he's praised for his fiscal responsibility.
Something's wrong with this picture?
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
I would like to thank everyone who checks this site out. In the last month we have had visitors from 10 countries. Tell your friends.
Thanks for stopping by,
Nadmenny Millicent
Loyal Opposition
Thanks for stopping by,
Nadmenny Millicent
Loyal Opposition
27 October 2009
This post is for my Chicago friends. Time for a change.
I have said this before there is NO reason for Chicago to have 50 aldermen. Now is a great time to change that. This would save the city millions.
Check Secondcitycop for updates on what to do with signed forms.
And send completed AND notarized petitions to:
Appropriate postage, no certified or registered mail, no page numbering, and a standard 8.5 by 11 printed page. Include contact info in the return address or a self addressed envelope or postcard for receipt info.
Registered voters, living in Chicago, listing their actual voting address.
Petitions have to be in Sgt. Northen's possession prior to 15 November as the filing deadline is 16 November.
Reduce Alderman Petition 2009
Check Secondcitycop for updates on what to do with signed forms.
And send completed AND notarized petitions to:
Appropriate postage, no certified or registered mail, no page numbering, and a standard 8.5 by 11 printed page. Include contact info in the return address or a self addressed envelope or postcard for receipt info.
Registered voters, living in Chicago, listing their actual voting address.
Petitions have to be in Sgt. Northen's possession prior to 15 November as the filing deadline is 16 November.
Reduce Alderman Petition 2009
Life under Obama Care
Let me get this straight.
We're going to pass a health care plan
written by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it,
passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it,
signed by a president that also hasn't read it, and who smokes,
with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes,
overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and
financed by a country that's nearly broke.
What possibly could go wrong
22 October 2009
What you need to understand before you join in on Obama's health care bill
From the desk of the Chief Economic Advisor to the Information Minister
Something for all parties to understand before you join in on Obama care.
To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature,
Are you all morons?
The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775—you have had 234 years to get it right—and it is broke.
Social Security was established in 1935—you have had 74 years to get it right—and it is broke.
Fannie Mae was established in 1938—you have had 71 years to get it right—and it is broke.
War on Poverty started in 1964—you have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor"—and they only want more.
Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965—you have had 44 years to get it right—and they are broke.
Freddie Mac was established in 1970—you have had 39 years to get it right—and it is broke.
The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil, it has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before—you had 32 years to get it right—and it is an abysmal failure.
You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars—AND YOU WANT AMERICANS TO BELIEVE YOU CAN BE TRUSTED WITH A GOVERNMENT-RUN HEALTH CARE SYSTEM??
Are you crazy, or do you just believe all Americans are morons too???
America Prevails
Something for all parties to understand before you join in on Obama care.
To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature,
Are you all morons?
The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775—you have had 234 years to get it right—and it is broke.
Social Security was established in 1935—you have had 74 years to get it right—and it is broke.
Fannie Mae was established in 1938—you have had 71 years to get it right—and it is broke.
War on Poverty started in 1964—you have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor"—and they only want more.
Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965—you have had 44 years to get it right—and they are broke.
Freddie Mac was established in 1970—you have had 39 years to get it right—and it is broke.
The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil, it has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before—you had 32 years to get it right—and it is an abysmal failure.
You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars—AND YOU WANT AMERICANS TO BELIEVE YOU CAN BE TRUSTED WITH A GOVERNMENT-RUN HEALTH CARE SYSTEM??
Are you crazy, or do you just believe all Americans are morons too???
America Prevails
20 October 2009
Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty
A compelling video about what could happen under Oba Mao and the radical view on climate change.
Notice no talk of liberty or the individual. This treaty will take precedent over our American Constitution.
This is Very Very Serious. This is life under Obama.
If you love this country and the founding this will disgust you.
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
Notice no talk of liberty or the individual. This treaty will take precedent over our American Constitution.
This is Very Very Serious. This is life under Obama.
If you love this country and the founding this will disgust you.
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
Questions from the Information Minister on why Voted for Obama?
I have a question?
It's been close to 11 months of life under Obama. Now before your moved to the rice fields for the good of the State I have a question to ask you?
Given the current state of your life right now are you still happy you voted for or against Obama? Do you feel the reasons you voted for or against Obama still hold true? Are you still basking in the after glow of beating a Republican? Are you upset that just over a majority of voters lined up to drink the Berry flavored Kool-aid to elect Obama into office?
Now let me ask you this? Did vote for Obama just because Sarah Palin was the new George W Bush? Did you not vote for Obama because you had a feeling that he was a Marxist/Socialist that would make it his mission to promote the Government take over of everything he could get his hands on while bashing America and making business and any sort of profit evil...evil I tell you?
Did you vote for Obama because you thought he would be the only one who could improve America's standing in the world? Did you vote against Obama because you knew that a inexperienced narcissist would only make matters worse in the international arena?
Ask yourself what was so bad about America that you voted Obama in to "Transform" it?
Ask yourself why didn't Obama win the Nobel Peace prize in Economic's?
Ask yourself do you agree with the Obama policies or do you disagree with the current agenda that Obama is pushing?
Ask yourself is he doing these things for the good of the country or the good of the party?
Ask yourself is it really all about Obama? If not why does he mention "I" or "me" over and over again in just every speech or statement he makes?
Ask yourself who is really in charge? Is it Obama, the party, or both? I ask this because if you disagree with the direction that the country is headed in? Ask yourself who is responsible? If you agree ask yourself the same question.
As life under Obama continues, keep asking yourself these questions. Keep challenging yourself to see if the reason you voted for or against Obama back in November of 2008 still hold true today? And knowing what you know now would you vote for or against him again?
I know how I'll vote, how about you?
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
It's been close to 11 months of life under Obama. Now before your moved to the rice fields for the good of the State I have a question to ask you?
Given the current state of your life right now are you still happy you voted for or against Obama? Do you feel the reasons you voted for or against Obama still hold true? Are you still basking in the after glow of beating a Republican? Are you upset that just over a majority of voters lined up to drink the Berry flavored Kool-aid to elect Obama into office?
Now let me ask you this? Did vote for Obama just because Sarah Palin was the new George W Bush? Did you not vote for Obama because you had a feeling that he was a Marxist/Socialist that would make it his mission to promote the Government take over of everything he could get his hands on while bashing America and making business and any sort of profit evil...evil I tell you?
Did you vote for Obama because you thought he would be the only one who could improve America's standing in the world? Did you vote against Obama because you knew that a inexperienced narcissist would only make matters worse in the international arena?
Ask yourself what was so bad about America that you voted Obama in to "Transform" it?
Ask yourself why didn't Obama win the Nobel Peace prize in Economic's?
Ask yourself do you agree with the Obama policies or do you disagree with the current agenda that Obama is pushing?
Ask yourself is he doing these things for the good of the country or the good of the party?
Ask yourself is it really all about Obama? If not why does he mention "I" or "me" over and over again in just every speech or statement he makes?
Ask yourself who is really in charge? Is it Obama, the party, or both? I ask this because if you disagree with the direction that the country is headed in? Ask yourself who is responsible? If you agree ask yourself the same question.
As life under Obama continues, keep asking yourself these questions. Keep challenging yourself to see if the reason you voted for or against Obama back in November of 2008 still hold true today? And knowing what you know now would you vote for or against him again?
I know how I'll vote, how about you?
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
15 October 2009
WTF.....Harry Reid Admits Health Care Bill Will Cost $2 TRILLION!!
This is exactly why this is bad for America. Where is the money for this coming from???
I will tell you....OUR KIDS!!
America Prevails
Nadmenny Millicent
13 October 2009
Fun facts on the Baucus Health Care Bill
Since the Bacus health care bill passed today. The Government will start collecting the Taxes needed to pay for the pile of crap now even though the bill does not engage until 2013.
So when the CBO claims it budget neutral in the 10 year snap shot they use for analysis. The bill will be only up and running for 6 of those years, even though the Government was collecting our money for the full 10 years. In addition, until the bill is rewritten in the full legal ease and congressional language the details and the true cost will be unknown.
Plus this will be merged with 4 other. House bills.
This is a bridge over very troubled waters.
Yes this is truly a new area of transparency in Government.
Thanks Obama!
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
Since the Bacus health care bill passed today. The Government will start collecting the Taxes needed to pay for the pile of crap now even though the bill does not engage until 2013.
So when the CBO claims it budget neutral in the 10 year snap shot they use for analysis. The bill will be only up and running for 6 of those years, even though the Government was collecting our money for the full 10 years. In addition, until the bill is rewritten in the full legal ease and congressional language the details and the true cost will be unknown.
Plus this will be merged with 4 other. House bills.
This is a bridge over very troubled waters.
Yes this is truly a new area of transparency in Government.
Thanks Obama!
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
10 October 2009
Is there nothing Obama isn't the best at.
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